Initially, I was more interested in BBA and wanted to pursue business as a career. But my parents wanted me to go for Biotech and therefore I enrolled myself in the Biotech department at Graphic Era University.
When I got into Graphic Era University, I was like any other fresher who just came out of school with a lack of self-esteem and self-awareness. I didn’t want to be this way. I could see people who were doing different types of activities here like dancing, singing, skits, and whatnot. The kind of environment I found here was very new and fascinating for me. These things motivated me to do something similar. I didn’t want to be just another boy sitting on a random bench of a random class. I wanted to learn things and be out there performing and in some way announcing that I’m no less.
Singing and playing guitar have always been something I’m interested in. I thought of exploring this interest here in college. I started participating in different cultural fests and events at my college. During the first year of college, I auditioned for grafest but wasn’t selected for it. I went back and retrospected over the mistakes I had done. I tried to improve on my weaknesses and started preparing for next year. This time I was able to crack the auditions. Finally, I got a chance to perform in grafest which is the biggest event of the university. I performed and won the grafest trophy. Chairman Sir also awarded me with 5000/- cash prize. This sweet gesture from him worked immensely for my self-confidence and I’d forever be grateful to him.
This was a crux of my persona building in college but persona doesn’t earn bread, it’s skill and knowledge that do so. I was in search of an opportunity to grow. I had my eyes over Byju’s platform. Byju’s comes to our college for campus placements therefore I started preparing for it. I applied and cleared all three rounds in a go. I was selected and was offered a package of 10 lpa.
I’m quite happy with what I have achieved till now although the journey is still very long. I’d like to give myself the credit for always believing in me. Then I’d thank my parents who supported me always and guided me well when I needed it. Last but not at all least, I’d thank the Graphic Era family for building my overall personality and helping me be where I am today.
Instagram – @abhishek_prajapati_369
*The views expressed in the above article are of the writer and not Winged Club.
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