“My life got shattered after the sudden demise of my husband Late Shri. Sumit Kumar Saxena due to a sudden cardiac arrest in 2003. I was only 25 and had two kids, my son Sahil who was 4 years old, and my daughter Megha who was just 1 and a half years old. I was absorbed and didn’t pay much attention to any work initially, my husband’s death had traumatized me seriously. It took me a long time to understand and accept the fact that my family and kids needed me and that I had to earn for our survival. Since childhood, I have been really attached to special kids, kids that are mentally, and physically challenged and need proper care. Therefore I started rendering my services to such kids and started giving them tuitions.
I wanted to see them happy and taken special care of by their parents. Hence, I worked like this for 10 years and then joined an organization for disabled kids and enjoyed the span as the Principal of the same. I gained a lot of experience and learned new things, I have seen a lot of families disowning such kids. After losing my job at the organization, I was completely lost. I had promised myself to serve such kids till I live. They are more like a family to me. I was in a serious dilemma as things were drowning in front of my eyes .Parents of such special kids usually consider them as a liability and do not spend time with them. Then came the idea of opening an institution by myself that will help such kids grow and enjoy a normal life.

With God’s Grace, I had opened “VATSALYA SEVA SANSTHAN” in 2016 which became the first day boarding school for mentally and physically differently abled children in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh.
The idea was very much appreciated and promoted by everyone. Initially the school had a small number of students. But as you know good things require time and hard work, we have reached to a number of 50 and above students in our organization now along with a small staff of 10 members.
I myself provide various therapies and classes to such special kids. We go for outings and picnics, we even enjoy and celebrate various festivals together. These kids require a little more care, love, and nurturing than normal kids. I provide them with a healthy and positive environment and give them a home-like feeling by cooking meals all by myself. For these kids, I do organize each kid’s birthday party and make them feel special. They have become a vital part of my daily routine and are elixir to my life. These kids are next to my own kids, I love them whole-heartedly and every kid in the organization is attached to me. It makes me stronger each day to fight for them and offer them the motherly love that they have been missing. It is their requirement more than their need!
We have completed 4 years and the journey has been really inspiring yet challenging. It has got me recognition, financial and political support and appreciation by many renowned personalities. I have been awarded more than 50 awards. I am looking forward to accomplishing a bigger Vision for these kids. Vatsalya functions on fee basis, the amount we collect from the parents of such special kids for nurturing their kid in a happy environment. As our motto is to serve these special kids on equal grounds, we provide them with equal and unbiased services and treatment. There is no discrimination or injustice done to anyone.

I support women empowerment and women who stand for a cause. Not being a feminist here. Just highlighting the need for women to stand up, revolt, retaliate, and reflect a positive change in the society. I consider women to be a source of strength. She can cover many rolls and is an all-rounder. All she needs is a little motivation and support. She is SHAKTI, She is SITA, She is MAA. A gift of god to all who wish to seek her pure, unbiased and never-ending Love.
I feel blessed when I see both of my kids doing the same. I won’t call myself great neither I am boasting about my work but yes, I am proud of myself. My children support me the most. They always keep my spirit up and respect my decisions. I have dedicated my life to these special children. I am continuing to put forth my best efforts for their betterment each day and every second. There might be a physical disability but it won’t affect much as long as you are spiritually healthy and happy. Considering such disabilities is just a matter of perception.
* The views mentioned in the above article are of the writer and not the Winged Club
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