“Every professional was once an amateur and every expert was once a beginner. Dream big and start now. Keeping this in mind, I started my journey. I am from Saharanpur. I started with computer science and engineering from Graphic Era University, Dehradun. After one year, I realized that engineering was not my cup of tea. This was not something I wanted to do. I thought of leaving the course and stepping into journalism. But I had paid my fee by then and I was not in a position to convince my parents that I wanted to change my subject. So, I continued with my engineering for 4 long years. But I kept trying my hands on freelancing in all of the summer and winter vacations.
I still remember I was looking for a freelancing writing internship and a technical firm offered me the same. It was my 1st paid internship. You can learn new things at any point of time in your life. If you learn to accept that you are a beginner, the whole world opens up to you. I dreamt of the biggest dream for myself and had the highest vision. Don’t be afraid to take the first step. I was more inclined towards writing than engineering. My only motto was to step into a reputed media organization. I ensured I don’t miss even a single step that would take me closer to my dream.
I did a lot of internships with different media platforms like NDTV, Hindustan Jockey, and side by side I was a freelancer with College Duniya. Then I interned with nearby.com and handled the social media marketing team. After completing my graduation, I sat for company placement, and fortunately, got selected in Wipro. The joining date was 30 days away. Hence, I decided to leave the offer and within those 30 days, I applied in all the media organizations. I had read it somewhere that one should not allow missed opportunities of the past interfere with the opportunities that are right before them. Also, Graphic Era has given me so much. This college has taught me how to exactly turn my dreams into reality.
Though I was not having any kind of formal education in journalism, even then I got my 1st job on NDTV.com as an entertainment journalist. All my internships were my base for future jobs. I never missed any kind of internship whether it was paid or not. The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take knowledge away from you. I worked with NDTV for about 1 year, and within this span of time, I thought of going for higher studies. My main target was IIMC which is the World’s best college for journalism.
The first time I couldn’t write the exam, there was a technical glitch and my form didn’t get submitted. Then after one year, the exam date was announced. I prepared for the exam and appeared. Unfortunately, I was unable to clear the exam. I was shattered at this point in time. The unpredictability of life sucks. One minute you’re riding high with the wind whipping through your hair and the next minute you’re flat on your ass with a face full of gravel.
I didn’t lose hopes, somebody suggested me to try college from other countries. So I thought of giving it a shot. My family supported me a lot in every situation. They have been my constant source of strength.
So I applied to Leeds Beckett University, England. Surprisingly I got admission within a month. The excitement of dreams coming true was beyond words. After evaluating my documents, the University offered me a 2000 pounds scholarship. That’s how I landed up in England to pursue MSC, Journalism. I continued with my studies and also did part-time jobs like a bartender, cooking, and freelancing.
I interned with the England Journalism Magazine named The Overtake. Later, I got a part-time job offer in a foundation company known as Biswas Foundation. I worked as a marketing communication manager there. I also learned Tarot Card Reading from Rajni Malhotra, who is a gold medallist in Uttaranchal and UP. It has helped in wondrous ways. I have become positive and look at situations from a different perspective now. I have helped a lot of people – friends and family, especially youngsters facing career and love pressures. I lend them a helping hand by fun healing techniques. Overall, Tarot has helped me create magic.
After completing my masters, I came back for a wedding at my home. I wanted to go back to England but due to this COVID-19 pandemic, I couldn’t. Though I got an offer letter, but was unable to join.Days were passing by. One day, I and my sister were sitting and having a cup of tea. We were generally discussing maternity wear in our country and we concluded that pregnant women have to suffer when it comes to clothing too as there are very less options available. And the ones that are available are not much affordable. We thought of doing something. So we started with our label, Chicmomz. It’s a maternity wear brand for pregnant women. We have started our work and soon the site will be ready for the outside world.

Keep going. As you gain a skill, you’ll also gain a feeling of genuine confidence, one that can never be taken away because you’ve earned it through your hard work. Always be yourself and have faith. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to become their replica. Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less than perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful. Not to forget, if you’re a student, never miss an opportunity for internships.”
Instagram – @fimly.ladki @chicmomz
Website – https://chicmomz.com/
*The views mentioned in the above article are of the writer and not the Winged Club.
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