“What else would you ask from God, when he already gifts you the best bunch of humans on this Earth? I am talking about my friends who are my greatest strength and support. They always push me to perform better and take me towards a better version of me.
I was not much into academics, just an average kid. There comes a time in everyone’s life where scoring well seems to be a crucial necessity. I feel blessed that I have friends who helped me deal with my studies. When you have positive people around you, life itself becomes happy to go lucky. My friends were comparatively good at studies and they even made it easier for me.
I was not sure of choosing my field for graduation, I was in a dilemma. All I was sure about was about my interest in technical things and computers. Hence, I opted for B.tech in Computer Science. I decided to join Graphic Era Deemed to be University.
In 2016, I entered a new stage of my life. A stage where your future is your major concern. It’s the time where you need to maintain a balance between your fascinations and dreams. Settling into a place, away from home is not easy. You have spent a major part of your life in a friendly environment. If life outside the home has certain perks, it also includes several cons. There were major challenges including the struggle for food in the hostel, adjusting into a new environment and, so on. Managing our expenses and other requirements were quite tough as we had to spend money on our own.
The major struggle most people face when they land in a new place is to find and choose the right people to hangout with. Your circle defines your personality. Fortunately, I didn’t face this struggle, I was already blessed with the best.

The first year was full of puzzles. We had to understand the place, people, subjects followed by exams and assignments but with each other’s support, we all passed through the same with flying colors. With time, we realized that our major goals were getting placed into a good company. Hence, we started working towards it. I along with my friends decided to work hard to achieve our goals.
We divided the subjects among ourselves so that one can learn in a better way. Apart from preparing for placements, we decided to study for GATE which is required for admission into the masters program of technological institutes as well as jobs in Public sector companies. The preparation for GATE served two purposes, we were able to clear our concepts and maintained a good command over technical subjects and Computer languages such as python which was useful for our placement also.
2019 was the most important year of our graduation. We were about to test our capabilities through the placement drives. Though my parents were always supportive and never created pressure to crack a big company. I wanted to at least get placed in a reputed company. In July 2019, Infosys was the first company to visit our campus with a package of 3.6 Lakhs. I cleared the test which had a criterion of scoring 75 percent and was selected for the interview as well. Then, the next company to visit was TCS. I cleared the written test but failed to crack the interview.
On 14 August, 2019, Zscaler visited our campus with a package of 14 Lakhs. It came with a motive to select 2 students out of 700. I was not very sure that I will be through the exam. To my astonishment, I cracked it and was the first one to be placed into it. I was on the seventh cloud, my family couldn’t believe the fact that I stood above the rest. It was a state of pride for me to see the happiness on my parents’ faces.

It has been 10 months with Zscaler now and I am working as a full-time employee for approximately 4 months in Chandigarh. One thing I feel after achieving this is that “your friends define you”. If I had not got that company, I wouldn’t have been standing here in my life. The most important lesson I learned after stepping out of my house is to choose my circle wisely. Choose your tribe where you know you will help each other grow, the ones that make you feel the most you. The ones that lift you up and help you remember who really you are. The ones that remind you that a blip in the road is just a blip and when you walk out of the room, they make you feel like a better person than when you walked in.”
Instagram : @mohitadhikari01
*The views mentioned in the above article are of the writer and not the Winged Club.
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